In the days before I began my journey of faith, I was very much into the New Age Movement. Once I discovered astrology, I poured myself into this new found discovery with everything I had and became something of an expert in "reading" friend's and family's horoscopes. I was curiously drawn to anything supernatural and to the occult and even joined in following a popular local ghost hunter by the name of Glen Grant, who exposed me to the world of "mysteries beyond the grave" as he liked to put it.
But all good things must come to an end and as I began my journey in search of truth, I discovered that many of the New Age teachings I had so completely immersed myself in were not in line with God's teachings. Even though I tried to convince myself otherwise, I knew that once I made the commitment to become a Christian, I had to give up anything that smacked of New Ageism. I reluctantly threw out my collection of "spiritual books ", Feng Shui mirrors, healing stones and other mystical paraphernalia and tried hard not to look back. Believe me, it wasn't easy.
In the beginning I found myself straying back to my old ways. Once I found out what a person's astrological sign was, I couldn't resist giving them a quick "read", and took pleasure in the astonished looks on their faces when I "got the reading right". But even as a part of me held on to my estranged New Age beliefs, my thirst for truth and for God consumed me so much so that I eventually lost interest in the occult and my love for all things "mystical" took a back seat.
When I made the decision to search for the "ultimate truth" I didn't realize it would take me from a form of "spirituality" to "true spirituality". Finding God in Christianity opened my eyes to the knowledge that all real power comes from God and God alone and that everything else is just a "copycat" version of it.
Many individuals, in their search for "truth" or "enlightenment" turn towards the occult and New Age practices, not really knowing or understanding where the power that it generates comes from. While a lot of New Age teachings focus on the "power within" or the "power from above", it does not recognize God as the ultimate power source. If God is not behind the healing or manifestations within the New Age practices, you have to ask yourself "who is"?
There is a real "power" however, that Jesus Christ His son manifested when he walked the earth, preaching the "Good News" or gospel to all peoples. There is a parable or story where Jesus fed five thousand travelers who had come to hear Him preach on God's kingdom--from just five loaves of bread and two fish. Jesus also healed the sick and raised the dead--an incredible feat even back then. He did this, not by any means of His own, but under the power of the "Holy Spirit" or under the power of God. And, two thousand years later, the Christian church today walks in that same kind of power when they follow in Jesus' footsteps and do all the things He commanded them to do.
God alone is our creator. God alone is omnipresent (everywhere), omniscient (all knowing) and omnipotent (all powerful). Everything else falls by the wayside and even His most amazing creation (human beings) "fall short of the glory of God". When you begin your journey of truth, you will find God there and in Him you will find all that you have been searching for.
Faith Rocks
C Willson